About Diego Banco & Ana Padron
How did the Argentine Tango Begins?
4 Argentine Tango Music Suggestions
5 Dance Etiguette (δεοντολογία) Tips
What kind of Clothes 7 Shoes to wear?
What it's like to teach the Tango?
Basics on Tango Dance
How to have the correct Tango Posture
How to do the Cambio de Peso (αλλαγή βάρους)
Tango Steps and Tango moves
Cross System Basic (Basic 8 με αλλαγή βάρους)
Walking in Parallel and Cross System
Salida (Τελείωμα) in the Tango
Grapevine-Giro (Πλήρης Στροφή της Ντάμας)
Sacada (καταλαμβάνω τον χώρο της ντάμας)
Barrida (σκούπισμα)-Arrastre(τράβηγμα)
Triple Arrastre (τριπλό τράβηγμα)
Adornos or the Embellishments for the woman (κινήσεις στολίδια ντάμας)
Adornos or the Embellishments for the man (κινήσεις στολίδια καβαλιέρου)
Directional Turns (Αλλαγές Κατεύθυνσης)
Single Axis turns to the right and to the left
Colgada(off-axis movement that hangs)