Soledad Mallo & Adriel Bournissen {08-09 Apr-TANGart}

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Soledad Mallo & Adriel Bournissen

Ένα από τα πιο αγαπητά ζευγάρια δασκάλων και χορευτών, oι Soledad Mallo & Adriel Bournissen θα είναι καλεσμένοι της TANGart για σεμινάρια και show στην Αθήνα.



 M. Soledad Mallo y Adriel C. Bournissen
They integrated to the ballet “La Revuelta Tango” which are presented at different milongas of Buenos Aires; They danced in different types of social events and milongas (Salon Canning, glare VillaCrespo, Sunderland, Club Villa Malcolm);
They carried out dinner’s shows with the singer Sandra Pisani;
They gave classes at “La Ideal” and formed part of the staff of the show “UNA NOCHE IDEAL” with director Eduardo Saucedo.
Integrated the International Company “Sangre de Tango” with which they toured Brazil in the month of July and August 2011, reiterating it in 2012, where also gave workshops and private lessons.
In 2013 they joined the International Company “Tango Seducción” of the teacher and director Gustavo Russo, with which conducted tours of Europe (Serbia, Russia, Austria, Greece and Poland).
They formed part of the show “LA PESADA DEL TANGO” of Grand Master Juan Carlos Copes that was held within the framework of MUNDIAL DE TANGO 2013 with diferent icons of tango.
In December 2013 they traveled to Vietnam for the 40th Anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries, with the dancers Silvana Nunez and Ivan Leonardo Romero, representing the Argentina’s culture in that country.
End of 2014 – early 2015 thet danced in “Gala Tango” House.
In the middle of the 2015 they became part of the prestigious Mora Godoy.
In the beginning of 2016 they integrated the company “Tango Vivo” as main partner with which they performed shows in “Los 36 Billares”.
In March, April and May they toured Europe, where they were exhibited in different milongas and gave workshops and private lessons.
They integrated the show “LOS CAMINOS DE BUENOS AIRES” in the PALAIS DES CONGRES DE PARIS by Director Alain de Caro (Paris, France).
They made a tour in April with the company “Tango Seducción” by maestro and director Gustavo Russo in Athens, Greece.
They were Guests of Honor in the festival realized by the “UNESCO International Day of Dance”, at the Academic Theater of Castelfranco (Venice Italy).
Recently they toured Europe where they gave seminars and private lessons, as well as, exhibitions and shows (France, Greece, Italy and Spain).
They were invited teachers for the festival “TU TANGO” in Madrid, Spain.


ΥΠΕΥΘΥΝΟΣ: Εβελίνα 6974 067 494|Διονύσης 6978 447 003|Χλόη 6985 161 796 | Θοδωρής 6975 368 713


Καλλιρρόης 10, Αθήνα|Ισόγειο και 2ος όροφος|Μετρό: Ακρόπολη|Tραμ: Λ. Βουλιαγμένης|


Σάββατο 08 Απριλίου
Seminario 1. Επικοινωνία /σύνδεση του ζευγαριού μέσα από την αγκαλιά και την αναπνοή. Η σημασία του κορμού και της πρόθεσης του.
Seminario 2. Η τεχνική του σπιράλ: διαχωρισμός. Περνώντας από το “γραμμικό” στο “κυκλικό”.

Milonga Σάββατο 08 Απριλίου
Milonga με Show το Σάββατο 08 Απριλίου
TDJ Σέργιος “Lingo” Τσαγκάρης
Eίσοδος: 7€ (περιλαμβάνει κρασί, wine included)

Κυριακή 09 Απριλίου
Seminario 3. Giros με αλλαγές δυναμικής, con cambios de dinámicas, enrosques, sacadas και ganchos.
Seminario 4. Colgadas και volcadas. Ο άξονας σαν κέντρο της κίνησης.


1 Workshop: 25 ευρώ
2 Workshop: 40 ευρώ
3 Workshop: 45 ευρώ.
4 Workshop: 50 ευρώ.
Συμμετοχή: Δηλώστε τη συμμετοχή σας ηλεκτρονικά

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